Pile turner
BSW 3-1200 (H)
BSW 7-2000
Min. sheet format
500 x 650 mm
700 x 1000 mm
Max. sheet format
800 x 1200 mm
1260 x 1670 mm
Min. pile height
790 mm
800 mm
Max. pile height
2010 mm
2020 mm
Max. pile weight
1200 kg
2000 kg
N = low pile height
H = high pile height
LDV = with aeration, motorized turning and additional vibration -
BSW 3-1200 (N) BSW 3-1200 (H) Min. sheet format
500 x 650 mm 500 x 650 mm Max. sheet format
800 x 1200mm 800 x 1200 mm Min. pile height
630 mm 790 mm Max. pile height
1450 mm 2010mm Max. pile weight
1200 kg 1200kg LV x x N = low pile height
H = high pile height
LV = with aeration and vibration